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Instant DIY Facial at home

Updated: Sep 13, 2020

We all love when there are super quick fixes that we can do at home without having to visit parlors and shell out crazy amount of money for a glow that hardly lasts a week.

But how often do we tend to feel lazy and not do DIY skincare because either the ingredients aren't available in our kitchen or there are way too many ingredients or procedure to make a mask. So, here's a super quick and simple mask which you can do any time of the day for a quick pick-me up feel and get a baby like glowing skin.


  1. Take 1-2 tsp of coffee powder

  2. Mix it with 2 tsp of honey

  3. Make a smooth paste

  4. Gently massage your face in circular motion

  5. Scrub your lips gently with the coffee paste

  6. Leave it on for 20 mins

  7. Wash your face and pat the excess water onto your skin

  8. Repeat 1-2 times a week for a radiating glow


  1. Honey is a great moisturizer and helps keep your skin supple

  2. Coffee is a great anti-oxidant, and also, anti-bacterial in nature. It helps give your face a de-puffed look along with evening out your skin tone and reduces the inflammation.

  3. Honey is also a natural bleaching agent which evens out the skin tone.

PS: Please note that I have normal skin and this works perfectly fine on me and doesn't break me out. Please ensure to do a patch test and use the pack only if you are not reacting to it. Start with once a week and observe how your skin is reacting to it before repeating the process twice a week.

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